The day I took this, the wind was whipping, the roads were packed snow ice and the clouds were ominous. But then the sun came out for a brief moment and then was gone. Luckily, I had my camera.
The day I took this, the wind was whipping, the roads were packed snow ice and the clouds were ominous. But then the sun came out for a brief moment and then was gone. Luckily, I had my camera.
I was looking for shots that are not winter related to post this week and ran across this one. It was a storm that rolled in FAST over Lake Michigan. There are more that I took this day on my Manistee link on the right.
You know how the weather forcasters are always hyping the storms… so eventually no one takes them seriously? Well, um I guess they got it right this time. It’s still coming down hard here in Grand Rapids, but I took this a little while ago while it was still light out. Wonder what we’ll wake up to, I’m planning a trip to Muskegon tomorrow. Yikes!
Just before the big storm hit in Manistee, is was sunny on the beach and huge ominous clouds lurked ahead. See the Manistee link for what happened next.
Here’s another photo of the storm that sprouted water spouts, as it roared on shore in Manistee.
Water spouts over Lake Michigan were seen nearby right about the same time I took this photo. We ran up a flight of 80 stairs into our friends’ beach house on a 100′ bluff overlooking the lake. The storm hit right after we got inside. This is the second time I’ve seen a storm like this in the Manistee beach area.
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