Lake Harbor Park, Muskegon MI
I’ve been wanting to get some photos of Muskegon. So here you go! I was visiting Lake Harbor Park, and as I was walking towards the trails I heard this HUGE commotion past the bridge and decided to investigate. There was a big flock of birds making all the noise. So I scared them so they would fly off and I could get this shot, this is after most of them were airborne and out of the shot. I have some more photos of Muskegon that I’ll be posting over the next few days.

Get out and enjoy the snow before it all melts, go sledding! Here’s the other side of the hill at Richmond Hills Park in Grand Rapids, MI. And, a couple more great sledding places in Grand Rapids, with google map links so you can get there quicker: The hill at Union High School; and Lookout Hill at Belknap Park. Where do you like to go sledding? My readers would love to hear your comments, the last sledding post was incredibly popular, seems like a lot of people are looking for this.

Richmond Hills Park, Grand Rapids, MI
Happy New Year! When I woke up to a fresh blanket of snow, I knew what I had to do today. I blasted off to my favorite sledding spots to take some pictures. This is a picture of kids lining up on the hill at Richmond Hills Park on Grand Rapids’ northwest side, it’s great place to go sledding with a long, sloping hill, beautiful woods and a pond at the bottom of the hill. Here’s a google map link to the park.