Big Glen Lake after the Storm
Big Glen Lake after the Storm

This weekend I went up to one of my favorite places, Syncronicity Art Gallery, to drop off some more of my work. And, as usual just had to stop and marvel at Big and Small Glen Lakes. The water was a vivid aqua blue earlier in the day but I didn’t stop to take a photo till on the way home when the water color was less intense.

For those of you familiar with Greenville’s recent past, you may be surprised at what I found when I got the grand tour from their City Manager, George Bosanic. I wondered if I’d find a place struggling to get by with the exodus of their largest employer, Electrolux.

Instead, it is very clear that Greenville is an up and coming community that is “making lemonade out of lemons.” They are well on their way to completing ambitious plans to make it an even more wonderful place to live with the best of history, modern urban planning and the type of lifestyle a city with three lakes and a river running through it affords.

The picture you see here was taken on a road that winds along the edge of Baldwin Lake. I took it near Baldwin Beach, which is being renovated. Here’s a Google map link to the approximate area I took this photo. I’ll be posting pictures all week of the special places I found here.

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