Dog running in winter woods
Living in Michigan surrounded by all the nature makes me feel free. I especially love the pine woods in the winter, so does my dog! On this day, you could smell the pines and feel the energy of the woods.

Get out and enjoy the snow before it all melts, go sledding! Here’s the other side of the hill at Richmond Hills Park in Grand Rapids, MI. And, a couple more great sledding places in Grand Rapids, with google map links so you can get there quicker: The hill at Union High School; and Lookout Hill at Belknap Park. Where do you like to go sledding? My readers would love to hear your comments, the last sledding post was incredibly popular, seems like a lot of people are looking for this.

Richmond Hills Park, Grand Rapids, MI
Happy New Year! When I woke up to a fresh blanket of snow, I knew what I had to do today. I blasted off to my favorite sledding spots to take some pictures. This is a picture of kids lining up on the hill at Richmond Hills Park on Grand Rapids’ northwest side, it’s great place to go sledding with a long, sloping hill, beautiful woods and a pond at the bottom of the hill. Here’s a google map link to the park.

Sorry but I just can’t help it! I was thinking of the warm sunny evening I took this, just as the sun was going down (that’s the bright light through the trees.) This is where I took the picture along the Grand River. Over the Christmas Holiday I plan on getting out there and taking some new winter shots, so be looking for them, they will be here soon!

Horned Cow in Michigan Field
I took this shot at the Lubbers farm on the Northwest side of Grand Rapids on Luce Street. They are members of a group of local West Michigan farmers who have joined together to promote a sustainable local food system. The group is called the Greater Grand Rapids Food Systems Council, click here for a link to their site to find out more about this great organization.

Many people are learning about the benefits of pasture fed, unprocessed full fat milk. It’s hard to get though and the Lubbers Family Farm is one of the places this is available in Michigan. In order to get the milk, folks buy shares in the jersey dairy cows on their farm and pick up their milk weekly. I took this picture in the pasture of their farm. I’ll tell you a little more about this later in the week when I post more pics, in the meantime, if you’re curious to learn more, you can find out more about the farm online at

Those of us lucky enough to call metro Grand Rapids home have discovered this is a great place to raise children. The city is big enough to feature national acts like Hannah Montana (on December 6 at the Van Andel Arena), yet still offer some of the world’s finest beaches, lush farmland, and abundant state parks with woods and wildlife.

This picture captures what Michigan means to me, awakening to a world surrounded by natural beauty.

For those of you familiar with Greenville’s recent past, you may be surprised at what I found when I got the grand tour from their City Manager, George Bosanic. I wondered if I’d find a place struggling to get by with the exodus of their largest employer, Electrolux.

Instead, it is very clear that Greenville is an up and coming community that is “making lemonade out of lemons.” They are well on their way to completing ambitious plans to make it an even more wonderful place to live with the best of history, modern urban planning and the type of lifestyle a city with three lakes and a river running through it affords.

The picture you see here was taken on a road that winds along the edge of Baldwin Lake. I took it near Baldwin Beach, which is being renovated. Here’s a Google map link to the approximate area I took this photo. I’ll be posting pictures all week of the special places I found here.

Here’s another picture that I took at Leslie Tassel Park in Cascade, Michigan. This was taken on a little dock that extends out into the river. Looking to the East, this is what you’ll see. From the west, is a view of the dam. More to come tomorrow.

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