Wowie zowie Michigan fall colors are stunning this year! Matt Teliczan, from

While you’re out enjoying the fall colors, you should also check out the frisbee golf course at Fallasburg Park, my sons tell me it’s one of their favorite places.
Wowie zowie Michigan fall colors are stunning this year! Matt Teliczan, from
While you’re out enjoying the fall colors, you should also check out the frisbee golf course at Fallasburg Park, my sons tell me it’s one of their favorite places.
This summer has had more rain than usual, resulting in a lush beautiful Michigan! Even more so than usual. If you’re not from around here, you should come up for a vacation, luckily, most of the rain has been at night and this has been a wonderful summer.
I took a little drive out into the country and took this picture yesterday. Take a close look at the cloud, isn’t it wild looking? The Michigan farmland and scenery is just spectacular this time of year!
You know, I do have a disproportionate number of posts about chickens. I get such a kick out of the way they strut around like they are the boss of the world and then run away… like chickens when you get too close. These little stinkers were doing just that with me when I took this picture in the farmlands of Ada. Just after I took this, they skittled off through that doorway.
My mother’s parents were farmers. I have fond memories of being around their animals, walking through fields (and watching for snakes, it was Missouri after all), picking tomatoes and catching grasshoppers with my three brothers and cousins. In the evening my grandfather would load us all into his pickup and we’d tour the fields, check on the cows and then come home and listen to him play the fiddle. I’ve mentioned this before but it bears repeating, he only had one arm, if you look him up on YouTube, he’s Leonard Smith, the one armed fiddler. My grandmother was his rock and she was one of the kindest people I’ve ever met in my life. I’m lucky they were around until well into my adulthood.
Having a grandfather with one arm who could do anything on his own, except tie his shoe, taught me to be independent and to try a little harder. One time, I was at a national fiddling contest with him where he was a competitor. He hadn’t been up to play yet and a dude came up to him on the side with an arm and said “could you help out a man with a disability?” as he held out a cup begging. I don’t remember what this guy’s disability was, but I do remember thinking that I was so very proud of my grandpa for making the most of his life and getting past this huge challenge he had to cope with. It also made me incredibly grateful for the simple things in my life.
This post has been a long time coming. Let me tell you how much I love Marie Catrib’s. When I meet someone new in town, I tell them about Marie Catrib’s…when I’m super duper hungry and want something healthy and delicious, I go to Marie Catrib’s… when I meet someone special for a delicious home cooked meal with tons of flavor, Marie Catrib’s… when I don’t feel like cooking and want great carry out… you get the picture. In fact, I’m eating Marie Catrib’s right now!
In all the years I’ve been going there, with all the meals I’ve had, I’ve never been disappointed. Not even once. Marie Catrib’s has a great selection of gluten free, vegan and vegetarian meals that will make you wonder why anyone needs gluten or meat in their diet when they can eat like that. In fact their gluten free bread is the awesome. Marie Catrib’s also offers up a delicious roast beef sandwich and the salmon surprise is something everyone should try at least once. Then there’s the desserts, my favorite is the chocolate crumble, it tastes like a brownie made like fudge and rolled in toasted oatmeal crumblies. Every time I go to Marie Catrib’s I tell myself, “not the chocolate crumble this time” and darn it, I buy one any way, I just can’t help myself.
Besides the delicious food, the atmosphere keeps me coming back. The staff is just so kind and genuine it’s obvious they consider everyone who walks through the door as friends and family. The locally owned and operated restaurant is run by Marie’s son Fouad and manager Egan. Sadly, in 2013 Marie passed away. They believe in using locally grown and raised food whenever possible, and it shows in the fresh flavors.
Here’s some helpful links: Marie Catrib’s website and menu. I just had to add this below movie, the day after Valentine’s Day, I stopped by Marie Catrib’s and the soldier in the below movie was pacing around and said to me “You might want to stick around, something cool is going to happen.” Then he told me he had been at Fort Bragg and for a long time and was going to surprise his girlfriend… they gave me permission to post this.
So, can you guess where I took this photo? I gave you a huge hint when I said it was a favorite place… I took this on a walking trail at the Frederik Meijer Gardens with my friend Patti. The Frederik Meijer Gardens is a great place for walks, it’s scenic, smells nice and just plain makes you feel good.
One thing though, you might forget the time so make sure you leave before they close. We totally blew the closing time and would have been locked in if it hadn’t been for a wedding there.
I took this photo at Big Sids Sanctuary, which is a sister to Crash’s Landing. The two are cat rescue and sanctuaries for stray cats over 6 months old that need a home. I’ve heard glowing reviews about Crash’s Landing for years now from many who are personally familiar with the organization and I finally had to check the place out for myself last week.
Crash’s Landing was founded in 2002 by veterinarian Jen Petrovich who saw the need for these forgotten cats. Since then, over 2,610 cats have been rescued and 1,945 cats have been adopted out. There are currently 135 residents at Big Sids Sanctuary and 115 residents at Crash’s Landing.
During my visit, I was surprised at how peaceful and harmoniously the cats got along. There are built in cubbies, catwalks and soft cushy beds throughout the sanctuary. The custom cubbies and catwalks were generously built and donated by builder Rob Brink.
The cats at Big Sids Sanctuary have tested positive for feline leukemia and/or FIV. Something important to note is that although they have a disease, these animals are not necessarily sick. The cats pictured here are all from Big Sids Sanctuary and harder to place due to their condition however, many, if not most have a lot of playtime, love and life left in them.
If you would like to adopt a cat and/or donate to Crash’s Landing or Big Sids Sanctuary, please visit their website to learn more. Adoption is $85 and the cats are up to date with shots and have been spayed or neutered.
I took this photo around a month ago when my flowering plum tree dropped it’s petals after a storm. This is my happy place to relax and smell the fresh Michigan air.
Another one of my happy places is the Frederik Meijer Gardens, which is celebrating their 15th anniversary this year. I’m planning on going there soon and taking photos of the Chihuly: A New Eden Exhibit, it’s truly amazing with his work at 15 sites.
It’s March 28 for crying out loud. Whatever happened to that saying “in like a lion, out like a lamb”? That’s what I was thinking last night when it started snowing, and then I woke up to this beautiful snowy morning. After I finished up my early meetings today I pulled to the side of the road on the way home and took this photo. This is why I live in Michigan, even though I am so thoroughly ready for it to warm up. I swear if I hear Chicago has a warm spell before we do, I’m getting in my car and driving there for a couple days.
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