Spring in the Leelanau Penninsula
Spring in the Leelanau Penninsula

For a short time I lived in Washington State when I was a little girl. Other than the rain every day, I remember seeing beautiful rows of trees like this. I was traveling up north on a windy, windy spring day and saw these trees with rows of fruit trees beyond them, just starting to blossom. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is there, it’s always beautiful.

March Snow
It’s March 28 for crying out loud. Whatever happened to that saying “in like a lion, out like a lamb”? That’s what I was thinking last night when it started snowing, and then I woke up to this beautiful snowy morning. After I finished up my early meetings today I pulled to the side of the road on the way home and took this photo. This is why I live in Michigan, even though I am so thoroughly ready for it to warm up. I swear if I hear Chicago has a warm spell before we do, I’m getting in my car and driving there for a couple days.

Summer Grass
Okay, Michigan truly is a sweet spot, but I’ve got to admit I’m a little weary of winter now. In fact, I’m boycotting it for a few days on my blog. So, in honor of the sunny, warm Michigan days ahead I’m posting this. I took it on my birthday in Whitehall. The air was fresh, the sky was blue, it was hot and I was happy.

Lake Harbor Park, Muskegon MI
I’ve been wanting to get some photos of Muskegon. So here you go! I was visiting Lake Harbor Park, and as I was walking towards the trails I heard this HUGE commotion past the bridge and decided to investigate. There was a big flock of birds making all the noise. So I scared them so they would fly off and I could get this shot, this is after most of them were airborne and out of the shot. I have some more photos of Muskegon that I’ll be posting over the next few days.

Big Snow
You know how the weather forcasters are always hyping the storms… so eventually no one takes them seriously? Well, um I guess they got it right this time. It’s still coming down hard here in Grand Rapids, but I took this a little while ago while it was still light out. Wonder what we’ll wake up to, I’m planning a trip to Muskegon tomorrow. Yikes!