This year the fall colors are AMAZING! I’m catching the tail end of it here in the West Michigan area. At least this picture gives you a taste of why fall is the favorite time of year for a lot of us who live here.
Well folks, if you’re looking for fall color, this coming weekend is a great time to head to northern Michigan. This is another view of the picture I took inland last weekend in the Kalkaska area where color was starting to peak (see post from earlier this week). Closer to the Lake Michigan lake shore the color hadn’t come even close to peaking yet. I’ll bet anywhere from Frankfort north on M-22 or M31 between Traverse City and Charlevoix will be beautiful this weekend.
When I was on my fall color tour this weekend I almost got in a wreck when I saw this cute little iris farm. By the way, I noticed a lot of people finding my blog because they are looking for barn photos, please be sure to click the “Barns” link in the menu bar to right so you can easily find all of my barn pictures. And, thanks for visiting!
Want to guess where I went today? I took this inland right around the 45th parallel on private property. The next 2 weeks should be spectacular in Northern Michigan, the trees are just starting to turn along the coastline and are nearing peak colors inland. I took a ton of pictures so check back!
Today was the most spectacularly perfect fall day I’ve ever experienced. Fall in Michigan is always beautiful, but today was warm and sunny with beautiful clouds drifting by. I took this at the Leslie E. Tassell Park in Cascade. I’ve got more pictures for you coming up later this week. Here’s a google link to the park.
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