I love fall photography because of all the brilliant color, being out in nature and smelling the crisp air, and walking through the woods kicking the leaves. This tree stood out in my quest for “the perfect fall photo.” It’s in Ada, MI along the new bike path on Bailey.
On another note, I want to thank everyone who stops by and visits my blog. And especially thank those of you who take the time to make comments. It makes the time I spend on this very rewarding for me. I check my blog stats every day and have noticed that I’m getting more and more new visitors all the time. Michigan Sweet Spot is near having 300,ooo page views.
When I first started this, sometimes there would only be one or two visitors in a day (in other words, my mom and dad!). Anyway, thanks again and keep on coming and telling your friends about MichiganSweetSpot, you’re appreciated!
Post and HDR photo by Ann Teliczan
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