I took this picture in Whitehall with my friend Lisa. The swans were off in the distance but Lisa managed to score some bread from someone on a docked boat and bribed the swans over to us. The funny thing is that once they were right up to where we were she kept warning me, “I didn’t know they would get this close! Don’t let the dad get too close! I mean it Ann, he’s getting awful close, see how he’s looking at you. Oh! I’m not kidding you, watch it!!!” Apparently Lisa was attacked by a goose a while back and it was not a good experience for her due to the 7 foot wingspan and bruises it inflicted.

Aren’t they pretty though?

I’ve never seen any place like this and couldn’t decide which pic to run because I liked them both so much. So, you guessed it, you get two pictures in one night. For more info, and a link to where I took this, please check my entry just before this one.

I have to admit that when I heard downtown East Grand Rapids was going to be renovated, I was horrified! But, whoever came up with this idea is a genius. The changes make this upscale, quaint little town on the edge of Reeds Lake even better. And, I love the way it has something special for the kids.

I fell in love with Pentwater when my mother-in-law took me there to an “Arts and Craps” Show (my disgruntled father-in-law’s term, not mine.) The city is charming, on the water and relaxing to visit. I took this downtown where 3rd Street dead ends at the water (near the intersection with S. Hancock Street.)

Silver Lake is an over the top funhouse for anyone who loves an all-sports lake experience. Practically anywhere you look, you’ll see Jeeps, ATV’s and boats. It’s just an all around fun, exciting place to be, with something for everyone. This picture is a rather sedated look of the lake, but I like it because you can see the boats, water and dunes. This link will get you to Silver Lake, in the general area where I took this photo.

Here’s a link for dune rides, I’m pretty sure you can parasail at Silver Lake too but don’t have a link for that. If anyone knows one, I’ll add it to this post if you let me know in a comment.

Here’s the same spot where I took the picture of the dragonfly. This is the Little Point Sable Lighthouse in Whitehall. Whoops, thanks to help from one of my visitors, I’m correcting this, it’s actually the White River Lighthouse. I also took pictures of the Little Point Sable Lighthouse and will be posting them soon.

This is the view from across the water, which is a little harder to get to but worth it. The view is better and it’s not as busy. Here’s a google map link so you can see it from my perspective in Medbery Park

Okay, so technically this isn’t really called Lilly Pad Park, but it should be. I took this picture in a little park off the beaten path in Whitehall. There is a long boardwalk that goes into this field of lilly pads and cattails, it is near Funnel Field.

Dragonfly’s are abundant in Michigan this time of year. I was sure this one would fly away when I tried to take her picture, but she just waited patiently and let me take it. Tomorrow, I’ll show the google map link for the location, along with a photo of the lighthouse in Whitehall.

Hi guys! I went on a road trip today and just got back. I got great shots from the White Lake, Silver Lake and Pentwater areas. Pictures of swans, lighthouses, a sunflower field and of course beaches and sailboats. I’ll post one of my favs tomorrow. Nighty, Night!

For the last ten years, every time I’ve driven by this farm, I’ve said to myself, “Hmmmm, I think I’ll take a picture of that place, could it possibly be more perfect?” Problem is, it’s on Pettis, a rather busy road, and there is no shoulder to park on.

I finally decided to brave the elements and get the shot. I very quietly parked. Quietly, because my car was a little bit on someone’s lawn, and then ran across the street, took my pictures and ran back to my car. Unfortunately, my car locks on it’s own when I shut the door and I locked my keys in it. No problem, I just stuck my hand in the open window and unlocked the car, which of course set off the car alarm. And, I couldn’t turn it off. So, if anyone saw a woman driving down Pettis last night with her horn honking and lights flashing, “hi,” it was me.

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