UPDATE: The Electric Forest Festival was announced today from June 30 – July 3, 2010, at the Double J ranch in Rothbury, MI. They have a website and facebook page. Not much detail at either place yet, but I’ll keep you posted.
If you’ve been following my blog for long, you may have noticed I’m a big Rothbury fan. I was lucky enough to score a photo pass to Rothbury 2009 and Rothbury 2008. It was an over the top experience musically, professionally and personally. Loved it. As many, I was disappointed when there was no Rothbury 2010, and wondered if that would be it for the music festival.

However… reliable sources are indicating to me that Madison House has been quietly applying for permits and other behind the scenes details necessary to make it happen in 2011. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but I think there will be a Rothbury 2011. For more info, here’s some links for you to learn more:
Official Rothbury website by Madison House
If you’d like to see Rothbury pics I took in 2010 and 2009, check this out: Rothbury Photos
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