The day I took this photo, the weather was HORRIBLE. There was a blizzard warning, drifting snow, and on top of that, it was soooo cold salt wasn’t melting anything, so the roads that were plowed still had packed ice on them.
My wild/crazy friend and I decided to go out in her SUV and take pics. As we were driving down this road, there was an elegant wrought iron gate leading into what she thought was a “farm.” “Oh, Annie, let’s drive back into that farm so you can take some pictures,” she said as she pulled into this long, winding, hilly, one lane drive to nowhere. I had a feeling that this was no farm because as I recall, farms don’t usually have gates that are normally locked, as was the case for this place.
We drove waaay down the drive, at least 3/4 of a mile, and noticed a snowplow blasting toward us full speed ahead and there was nowhere to go. So she starts backing up, expecting this guy to slow down. Instead he sped up and just glared at us, practically daring us to stop. She literally drove in reverse the entire length of the windy, snow packed, hilly driveway going at least 30 MPH, without stopping or slowing down. It was the most amazing ride I’ve ever had. By the time we got to the end of the drive, we were laughing so hard we were practically crying.
I took this photo about a block down from the drive where we were unwanted guests. Later, I heard that we had been on the property of one of Ada’s more well known and prominent citizens.
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