If you live in West Michigan and like art, you’ll want to hurry over to the Forest Hills Fine Arts Center before November 19. A Retrospective exhibit featuring all 29 artists that have participated in the Fine Art Center’s Artist-in-Residence program is on display. Paintings, drawings, mixed media, ceramics, sculpture, furniture, photography and more are on display. Exhibit hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the exhibit is free to the public. Participating artists include: T’Alyne | Brian Ballard | Rick Beerhorst | Mary Brodbeck | John AC Despres | Mary & Don Doezema | Stephen Duren | Jeff Dykehouse | Carl Forslund | Dennis Grantz | Thimgan Hayden | Lori Hough | Brian Kelly | James Kusmierski | David Lubbers | Jim Markle | John Neering | E. Lynn O’Rourke | Chris Stoffel Overvoorde | Michael Pfleghaar | Sue Pufpaff | Reb Roberts | Dawn Soltysiak | Ann Teliczan | Roger Timermanis | Cameron VanDyke | Margaret Vega | Tom Woodruff.
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