Snow Shadows
All winter long I’ve been waiting for the right moment to catch the sun shining through the trees, casting long winter shadows on the glittering snow. This weekend I finally got it, I think this is one of my favorite winter shots.

I fell in love with Pentwater when my mother-in-law took me there to an “Arts and Craps” Show (my disgruntled father-in-law’s term, not mine.) The city is charming, on the water and relaxing to visit. I took this downtown where 3rd Street dead ends at the water (near the intersection with S. Hancock Street.)

Silver Lake is an over the top funhouse for anyone who loves an all-sports lake experience. Practically anywhere you look, you’ll see Jeeps, ATV’s and boats. It’s just an all around fun, exciting place to be, with something for everyone. This picture is a rather sedated look of the lake, but I like it because you can see the boats, water and dunes. This link will get you to Silver Lake, in the general area where I took this photo.

Here’s a link for dune rides, I’m pretty sure you can parasail at Silver Lake too but don’t have a link for that. If anyone knows one, I’ll add it to this post if you let me know in a comment.

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