Does it look cold to you? It was!

So… when my friend Peggy and I were getting lost in Amish land looking for the “perfect Amish photo” I saw this very striking farm and had to take a picture. Let me tell you though, it was so incredibly cold, I could feel my fingers and toes freezing even though I was bundled up to the hilt.

I think it was worth it though!

Driving along in the Michigan back country.

I took this photo driving through farmland in the Belmont, Michigan area. For those who think of Michigan as a washed up rust belt state, think again. The majority of the state sports lush farmland, lakes ripe for fishing and trees everywhere.

I just got back from visiting gorgeous Steamboat Springs. While I love the mountains and big, huge sky, I missed the variety of trees and “green” that Michigan offers.

Now for the favor… my son Paul is getting married on August 21. He’s having trouble finding a rustic cabin or cottage in the Upper Peninsula to rent from August 23 – August 30. Any suggestions or places you know of with availabilities? If so, could you please make a comment about it? I would greatly appreciate it!

I took this at the flour plant in Lowell when I was on the way to Lansing. I also took some pictures of our capitol building today, while the legislature was pondering the state budget. I’ll be adding a Lansing pic Friday.

I’ve always found the drive from Grand Rapids to Lansing incredibly boring… that is until I found this back road route and now I LOVE it! Almost the entire trip is dotted with beautiful farmland, small towns and old structures like this one. Even the clouds were pretty this day, we needed the rain bad.

I like the drive down Price Road. The road changes names several times, but you can see from this link where to go if you want to take the back roads all the way to Lansing.

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