The perfect place to visit in October, as long as you are living!
The perfect place to visit in October, as long as you are living!

Here you go, another is on the way tomorrow. I’m making up for neglecting ya’ll while I was occupied with ArtPrize!

If you’d like a print of this picture, you can get one by clicking this link. Print prices range from $29.97 for a 10″ x 6.5″ print, or you can order a print up to 35″ x 23.3″ for $170.97.

For all of you golf lovers, there’s a beautiful golf course in Greenville. I took this near the clubhouse at the Greenville Country Club. Here’s a google map link.

This mermaid statue overlooks an area undergoing renovation at the third stage of a four stage trail project that will make it possible to go anywhere in the city by, biking, walking or skating–without having to go on roads. The trails wind along the river and beautiful wooded areas. Here’s a link to a a web page with information about Greenville’s various parks and trails.

It’s Halloween and the Forest Home Cemetery in Greenville is an incredible place to mark this day. It’s beautiful with rolling hills, old trees and mausoleums. I was in awe of this place and if you go to Greenville you owe it to yourself to walk through this peaceful beautiful place and relish the history.

For those of you familiar with Greenville’s recent past, you may be surprised at what I found when I got the grand tour from their City Manager, George Bosanic. I wondered if I’d find a place struggling to get by with the exodus of their largest employer, Electrolux.

Instead, it is very clear that Greenville is an up and coming community that is “making lemonade out of lemons.” They are well on their way to completing ambitious plans to make it an even more wonderful place to live with the best of history, modern urban planning and the type of lifestyle a city with three lakes and a river running through it affords.

The picture you see here was taken on a road that winds along the edge of Baldwin Lake. I took it near Baldwin Beach, which is being renovated. Here’s a Google map link to the approximate area I took this photo. I’ll be posting pictures all week of the special places I found here.

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