Just beyond the dune, is the mighty Lake Michigan

I woke up. The sun was shining. And, it was deep freeze cold outside, so of course I decided to head to the lakeshore. On the way to Grand Haven, I was admiring the pretty blue sky, the wind whipped snow glittering on the vast fields of nothing and… what’s that in my rear view mirror? Why, it’s a jacked up truck tailgating me with a huge American flag mounted to the truck gate and flapping in the wind. Welcome to Michigan. You never know what to expect.

Riverside Park, Grand Rapids
I took this along the shoreline on the far west end of Riverside Park in Grand Rapids. It was so bitterly cold that my fingers kind of stuck to my face when I touched it… you know, a teeny bit like when you lick a frozen metal pole… not that I ever did that!

Winter in Michigan
Brrrrrrr! It’s cold in Michigan but for those who love the snow and winter sports, it’s a great place to be right now. Winterfest is this weekend in Grand Haven, I’ve heard it’s fun with ice sculptures and winter focused events.

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